Monday, May 16, 2011

A wedding and Mt Washington

So I'm still back tracking and I got ahead of myself when I posted about my birthday and my lovely Halloween costume!!! Lets go back to about mid September when I attended Kalene and Shane's wedding.  Kalene is a lifelong friend of my family.  Her father, Gabe, and my dad are best friends and my siblings and I grew up with Kalene and her twin brothers, Jake and Gabe.  The wedding was a ton of fun and it took place in Nashua, NH.  The day after the wedding, I had planned a hiking trip up Mount Washington with my friend Justin so he came up after dinner and joined the wedding....

So Saturday morning came way too soon!  I didn't get much sleep because my dad snores like a banshee!!!! Seriously, noises like that should NOT be coming out of a body part!  Anyways, Justin and I got up and made the trek to the White Mountains. 

For those of you who don't know, Mount Washington is the highest peak in Northeastern United States and is known for its dangerous and unpredictable weather! At 6,288 feet, Mount Washington holds the record for the longest wind gust of 231mph winds. Kind of scary when you hear stories about people dying or caught in dangerous weather conditions! You always have to be prepared for this hike because it could be nice and sunny one minute and then a blizzard the next. 

The hike takes on average about 4 hours to do which is what it ended up taking me (Justin is abnormally fit and could probably run up this mountain in under 2 hours!)  It probably would have been a great hike but I ran into a few issues.  Maybe a mile or so into the hike (definitely the first hour), I started getting blisters!  Something you don't want to be dealing with when you aren't even 1/3 of the way up this mountain! It was getting so bad that I was thinking of turning around when we ran into this group who had wolf skin to let me put over my blisters! This lady was a savior because without her, there was no way I'd get up that mountain! Then, when we only had a 1/3 of the hike left, my groin started to pull (which is a reoccuring injury from soccer)!!! But we did it!!! We made it to the top! I was in so much pain from my feet and groin that there was no way that I was going down the mountain, however, Justin wanted to hike back down.  I took the van down and napped in the car while he hiked down!

Next time, I plan to be prepared!!! I will make sure I stretch before the hike starts, don't double up on socks so I don't get blisters, bring wolf's skin in case I do get blisters, and get a decent night sleep!!!!

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