Sunday, May 9, 2010

I lived to tell the tale.....

Saturday, May 8th @ 9:00am I embarked on my first road race.  It was the Northborough 4 Mile Road Race that benefited the Proctor School Enrichment Fund. I achieved all my goals which if you read the last post was not to die, to finish, and to not finish last! Also, my last minute goals was to not get struck by lightning and to finish in less than 45 minutes (which is what people at work said my time would be). :)  My finishing time was 38:23 (that comes out to (9:36/mile) and I placed 41st out of 54! It was a crappy day too. The temperature dropped so it was pretty cold and it was raining. Then shortly after starting, the thunder & lightning from 5am had returned.  I thought we were all going to get struck and die.  I didn't even walk any of it except for a few steps to relax my shins enough to continue to run/jog. There was a water station at mile 1 and 3 and I think my chest got more water than my mouth did! LOL.  I was proud of myself and learned that I can do anything I put my mind to. One bucket list down, a TON more to go!

Check out the results!!! I was only 3 minutes off of my friend & fellow soccer teammate, Szymon! :)  My friend Mason, his girlfriend Marissa, and Marissa's uncle also joined the race.  Marta went a little too fast in the beginning so she had to stop at mile 2.


  1. Yay, congrats chica. So proud of you.

  2. Hey there! Your Blog is awesome. I was wondering if youd maybe take a look at mine (im a newbie and would appreciate your advice or comments)
    Also I am a follower of yours and if you like my blog please please do follow- I will be eternally grateful lol.

    much love Kimberley xx

  3. Thanks Kim! I am following your blog now too! I haven't had a chance to really read it because I'm at work but I'll check it out later. :)

